Has a study been
done of the 50 year practice in Vancouver of allowing volunteer Community Centre Associations (CCAs) to raise money and participate in programming? Has there been a staff report on the matter? Would it be better to have professional staff of
the centralized Parks Board determine programming in each community
Centre rather than to suffer input of local groups? Should someone consult a lawyer, or better
yet an ethics professor to rule on the propriety of the Board taking over ping
pong tables that were purchased by the volunteer societies?
The CCAs are right. The Parks Board is wrong. Period.
Someone is sure to demand a study. We live in times
when studies are required to prove everything. The only reason to study this Community Centre thing is that we might win a Harvard Ignoble Prize for public administration. Harvard University awards its Ignoble Prize to researchers studying
the obvious.
They have included the following gems:
- Psychology – David Dunning Cornell University "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties
in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated
- Literature: The US Government General
Accountability Office, for issuing a report about reports about reports
that recommends the preparation of a report about the report about reports
about reports.
- Psychology: Karl Halvor Teigen for trying to understand why, in everyday
life, people sigh.[153]
- Public safety: John Senders of the University
of Toronto for conducting a series of safety experiments in which
a person drives an automobile on a major highway while a visor repeatedly
flaps down over his face, blinding him.[156]
- Medicine: Rebecca Waber and Dan Ariely for
demonstrating that expensive placebos are more effective than inexpensive
- Psychology – Christopher
Chabris of Harvard, for demonstrating that when people pay
close attention to something, it's all too easy to overlook anything else
– even a woman in a gorilla suit.[77] (See inattentional blindness).
- Public Health – B.S. Srihari Bangalore, India, for the probing medical discovery that nose picking is a common activity among adolescents.
- Physics – Presented to Dominique M.R.
Georget, of Norwich, England, for their
rigorous analysis of soggy breakfast cereal. It was published in the
report entitled "A Study of the Effects of Water Content on the
Compaction Behaviour of Breakfast Cereal Flakes."[21]
There has been to much analysis already. Pete McMartin definitively but fairly presents both sides of the case:
On the one hand, the Parks Board says that it is inequitable to have different programs in different neighborhoods. On the other hand the CCAs ask, why volunteer if we are being relegated to bystander status. Then there are the tiresome, ubiquitous, moderate, diplomatic voices who ask, "why can’t we all just fall in love."
On the one hand, the Parks Board says that it is inequitable to have different programs in different neighborhoods. On the other hand the CCAs ask, why volunteer if we are being relegated to bystander status. Then there are the tiresome, ubiquitous, moderate, diplomatic voices who ask, "why can’t we all just fall in love."
Our Council routinely honours people to advise it on matters like affordable housing or improving social interactions. I am not suggesting a study, but if one were done I bet it would show that the politicians do not take kindly to advice they don't want to hear.
Seriously, how can it be
better to deliver services to each diverse neighborhood through a centralized bureaucracy? How can it not be better to have a neighborhood based association to raise money and provide advice? [see http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Opinion+Park
s+board+takeover+community+centres+just+cash+grab/7884922/story.html for the CCA side.]
s+board+takeover+community+centres+just+cash+grab/7884922/story.html for the CCA side.]
If there are
problems with these local groups in any particular neighborhood, then shut up and deal with them. Don't continually screw up a system that works.